Weight Watchers Bmi Range

Weight Watchers Bmi Range

Is BMI more important for women or men?

The same BMI measurements apply to both genders as the same risks of developing weight-related illness applies to both women and men.

Research has made the connection between having a higher BMI and an increased risk of a number of diseases, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes , osteoarthritis and certain types of cancer including breast cancer.

Is BMI 100% accurate?

It's not always accurate for everybody. It doesn't distinguish between fat and muscle, so people who have a large muscle mass will often have a high BMI, even though their body fat is in the healthy range. Plus, a healthy BMI doesn't always correlate with good health. In fact, research shows that one in three people who have healthy BMIs are relatively unhealthy once other test results, such as blood pressure, blood glucose and cholesterol are taken into account.

One explanation is that BMI doesn't reflect where body fat is stored, and it's possible to have a healthy BMI, while carrying too much fat around your waist, a location that poses more of a health risk than weight carried on your hips and thighs. A 2017 study proved that point, finding that people who carry weight around their middle but have healthy BMIs are at the highest risk of death from any cause, compared to people with higher BMIs who carry the weight elsewhere.

"If I had to choose between making sure my BMI or my waist-to-hip ratio are within the 'normal' range, I would go for the latter," says the University of Sydney's Associate Professor Emmanuel Stamatakis, who co-led the study. "A high waist-to-hip ratio most likely means high amounts of abdominal fat, and we know this comes with quite serious health risks."

Should I bother calculating my BMI?

Yes. BMI provides a snapshot of how weight affects the risk of medical problems for a population of people, so while it may not be a perfect measure of medical risk for every individual, it's still very valuable as feedback for you.

But, while it is a good idea to calculate and know what your BMI is, no one piece of feedback about your weight or health should be viewed in isolation, so it's really important to consider your BMI in context of other information and measurements.

What other measurements matter?

Waist-to-hip and waist-to-height ratio

There are two you should take:

A) Your waist-to-hip ratio :

Divide your waist measurement (in centimetres) by your hip measurement (in centimetres). A waist-to-hip ratio of more than 0.9 for men and 0.85 for women indicates an increased health risk.

B) Your waist-to-height ratio:

Divide your waist measurement (in centimetres) by your height (in centimetres). For good health, research shows that keeping your waist circumference to less than half your height – or a ratio no bigger than 0.5 – is wise.

Weight Watchers Bmi Range

Source: https://www.weightwatchers.com/au/blog/weight-loss/bmi-calculator

Weight Watchers Bmi Range Weight Watchers Bmi Range Reviewed by Admin on Desember 13, 2021 Rating: 5

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